
Shahnaz (35)

Try the luck abroad

Shahnaz was married to a tailor by her parents at very early age. She has two sons of 20 and 15 years old. Shahnaz also worked in a beauty salon and earned 7,000 BDT per month. She has a small piece of land in Faridpur district(gifted by her father) where she wants to build a house to stay. Shahnaz is the second wife of her husband. Husband never spends money on her or her children as he has more children from his first marriage. 

Her neighbor first informed her about migration option and then Shahnaz decided to change her financial situation and through migration. Shahnaz spent 25,000BDT for her employmentand taken the training course at TTC in 2000. Shahnaz left Bangladesh discreetly and after reaching Jordan she called her husband on the 19th day and informed that she left for Jordan. She missed her family but was determined to earn and not return to Bangladesh soon. The only friend she made was with an Indonesian maid in Jordan. Remitting money kept her bonding with her family. According to Shahnaz, although her husband and children missed her, they were happy that she was sending money. Shahnaz did not receive the contract before reaching her destination and she was given the exact amount she was promised for 2 years contract. Her employer was relatively good and her accommodation was comfortable. One day she found that her employer's son took her phone to play. Shahnaz was scared that he would delete her family picture so she snatched the phone from him. The young boy complained to the father and she was beaten badly. That was the only sad incident happened to her while she was abroad. After returning she build a house in her village on the land she had. She took some loan to build the house. 

As she needs to pay off the home loan, she decided to re-migrate to Oman. She would also try to arrange a visa for her elder son. Her second migration is costing 30,000BDT which she has arranged from her relative.